These are challenging times for us all, but perhaps even more so for the little ones entrusted to our care. Here we share a variety of educational and recreational resources to help make the most of your time.
Summertime Fun!
Early Head Start Summer Activities
- Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Think – Helping children control feelings (video)
- Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Think – Helping children control feelings (book form)
- Why Can’t I Go to School – short video helping children understand the importance of staying home and staying healthy
- Go to the Library, virtually! – Instant digital library cards are now available through CW MARS – simply click on the link to access a world of e-books, e-audio, e-magazines and videos.
- Free Audio Books – Kids everywhere can instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages, that will help them continue dreaming, learning, and just being kids. All stories are free to stream on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet.
- Sesame Street Cares – activities and support
- PBS Newsletter – learn & play together!
- Animal Search – Go an an animal hunt with the Kratt Brothers
- Neighborhood Walks & Outdoor Crafts
- First Book – fun at home activities to boost reading, math, and critical thinking skills.
- Learning Without Tears – support children’s handwriting, keyboarding, and pre-kindergarten development
- Parents Thrive – at home reading and writing activities
- Scholastic Learn at Home – projects to keep kids reading, thinking and growing
- Tucker Turtle Takes Time to Think – Ayudar a los ninos a controlar los sentimientos
- Porque no puedo ir a la escuela?
- Wide Open School – para estudiantes de dos idiomas
- El Buho Boo – un sitio de juegos educativos para bebés y niños pequeños
- Pipo Club – juegos educativos para ninos y ninas
- Gimnasia para niños
- Read con Migo – promover la alfabetización bilingüe, una familia a la vez.
- Scholastic Learn at Home